How to Be An Elder Witch: Advanced-Level Witchcraft

Plants By Laurali Elder Witchcraft: Advanced-Level Witchcraft

This is a blog post on how to be an elder witch with advanced-level witchcraft! Elder witchcraft is when you reach the advanced stage in your witchcraft practice. An elder witch is someone who has been practicing the craft for many years or has been able to learn many advanced spells and rituals in a shorter amount of time.

When I think of elder witches, I think of the crone or the sage. I think of someone who has a lot of wisdom to share after many failed spells and concoctions. The crone is the wise woman of the village with many years of experience under her belt.

In recent years, I have become an elder witch with an advanced-level green witchcraft practice! This is something that took many years of practice, as well as blood, sweat, and tears.

As an advanced green witch, my life is completely different, as I barely recognize the fearful person I used to be. You see, when you reach the highest levels something shifts and changes within you.

A big part of it has to do with the daily routines and rituals I’ve created as a green witch, first and foremost. A day in the life of a green witch is everyday mundane magic.

Magic is a thread so interwoven into my everyday life that I can no longer imagine living without it. Why? I am the magic within!

How to Be An Elder Witch: Advanced-Level Witchcraft

To reach the advanced stage in my witchy practice, I practice daily! Some people will tell you that it isn’t necessary, but in my humble experience, it’s essential to practice the craft daily.

This doesn’t mean you have to do spells every single day of your life. This means incorporating magic into your daily routines and rituals. Something as simple as putting makeup on in the morning or weaving your hair into a braid can be a simple act of magic!

This has become as natural as breathing to me. In everything I do, there is a prayer or an incantation. When relaxing in my home, something as simple as a cup of tea becomes tea magic!

When I take a walk in nature, I am either praying or weaving a spell in my mind! I often bring tiny gemstones and honey to give offerings to the plants I collect as spell ingredients. I thank the plant and say a quick prayer in my mind.

When I’m cleaning my house, I am either praying or chanting in my mind or aloud! Even my playlists are dedicated to nature spirits, plant spirits, and the Gods. Again, everything I do is magic!

Each witch will create his or her routines and rituals. They will become part of them. They will become the magic!

How Do You Know When You’ve Become An Elder Witch

When you become an elder witch, you will notice a shift and change within you. You’ll carry the magic wherever you go and you’ll reach a stage where you no longer doubt your magical abilities.

Many people come to witchcraft because they feel helpless and have no control over their circumstances. Witchcraft puts the power back in the hands of the witch. As an advanced witch, you’ll no longer feel a need to abuse that power but hold it as something sacred.

When you reach the advanced level, you really think through things further and have a deeper understanding of complex human behaviors. You’ll think through curses and hexes with careful consideration before dispensing justice. You’ll no longer have your finger on the trigger, so to speak.

As an elder witch, you will have reached a place where knowledge, experience, and wisdom are yours for the taking! You will have a vast array of magical experiences with everything from herbal spells to herbal remedies. Your mind will become a library of magical knowledge!

As a witch of higher knowledge, it is extremely important to create a grimoire of all of your magical workings as a final product. Through the years, the elder witch will journal and keep notes of all that they’ve learned.

This will include plant profiles, planetary magic, deities, animal familiars, crystals, and spirits. A grimoire contains spells, remedies, spirits you encounter, and spell ingredients.

As an advanced-level witch, you’ll become the magic! You’ll have reached a stage where practicing magic is as comfortable as a warm cup of tea on a cool autumn day.

Signs You Might Be An Elder Witch

  • Age and experience

  • Routines and rituals that you’ve created

  • Create and perform all of your spells

  • Dreamwork and hedge riding become second nature

  • Easy ability to create astral servitors in large quantities

  • Have had many encounters with spirits and a deep connection with them

  • Vast knowledge and collection of herbs

  • Perform multiple spells in one sitting

  • Vast knowledge and collection of gemstones

  • You use curses and hexes sparingly (As needed)

  • You can bring a spell to life just by thinking about it

  • You have a vast knowledge of the nature spirits

  • You’ve learned to keep your mouth shut

  • Have had many spiritual awakenings and rebirths

  • No longer doubt your magical abilities

  • Vast knowledge and collection of animal familiars and animal witchcraft

  • Can easily perform divination (tarot, bones, etc.)

  • Have a deep knowledge of graveyard magic, even if you don’t practice it

  • Planetary magic is interwoven into your practice

  • You understand how spells work and performing them is easy, peasy for you!

  • The student becomes the teacher!

As an elder witch, you’ve reached a stage where the student becomes the teacher! Like me, you’ll have a wealth of knowledge to share about the craft.

There wasn’t a mystical moment where I suddenly knew I was an advanced-level plant witch. There was an intuitive nudge from within. There was a knowing.

When I reached the advanced stage, I became more skilled and adept in the craft, to the point where I felt comfortable with teaching others. Just because I have now become a teacher, doesn’t mean that I stop growing and learning as a green witch! A true witch can never learn enough in my humble opinion.

What it does mean is that I start sharing the knowledge, wisdom, and magical experiences I live by daily. Each magical practitioner has to choose how they want to go about doing that. I choose to blog about my life as a solitary green witch!

As an elder witch, I have a faith and belief in myself I never had before. It comes from hard work and experience. It’s important to know yourself as a witch and that includes knowing your practice inside and out.

Are you an elder witch?

Laurali Star

Hi! I’m Laurali. I’m a green witch. I make herbal spells using plant allies. I have a deep, spiritual connection to plants and mother nature that aligns with my green witchcraft practice.

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