Hedgehog Animal Familiar: The Magical Uses of Hedgehog Magic

Hedgehog Animal Familiar: The Magical Uses of Hedgehog Magic

Hedgehog Animal Familiar: The Magical Uses of Hedgehog Magic covers animal witchcraft and hedgehog animal spirit spells and rituals with Plants By Laurali! The hedgehog animal spirit happens to be my astral familiar.

Incorporating hedgehog magic into your witchy arsenal can be the magical boost you’ve been needing! Hedgehogs are sweet, gentle creatures that spend a lot of time laying low and grounding their energy. 

Hedgehogs can be incorporated into any kind of magic, as they are highly adaptable magical creatures. They work well in any kind of hedgework you might do, as well as garden spells, and working with herbs and plants.

Hedgehog Animal Familiar: The Magical Uses of Hedgehog Magic

The hedgehog is my main animal familiar so making contact has been relatively easy for me. However, I do recognize that’s not always the case for everyone. Just like working with deities, the best way to call on the hedgehog for magical workings is by researching them. 

Look up the spiritual meaning of hedgehogs. Pick up the Witches’ Famiars Oracle Deck, which has a bevy of information on hedgehog magic as well as other familiars you might like to get acquainted with. It always begins and ends with research! 

In addition to that, you can write a distance energy healing letter to the hedgehog animal spirit to bridge a connection. If you’ve never done this before, simply sit down and write to the hedgehog. 

You’ll want to wear your heart on your sleeve and address any issues you may be struggling with. You can then add anything you’d like assistance with. It can be anything the hedgehog is known for (disguise, shapeshifting, protection, etc.) or it can be anything that weighs heavily on your heart. 

I find that being sincere goes a long way with any magical being! When you feel you have spent yourself, you can burn your letter over the sink or a cauldron. You can add the ashes to a sacred space in your garden where you’d imagine your hedgehog hanging out. 

What impressions did you receive while writing? What did you feel? What pictures did you see? It’s different for everyone. 

For me, I always receive intuitive downloads from the magical beings I work with. Sometimes, I’ll receive visions. Sometimes, the answer to something will come to me suddenly. These are all valid ways of knowing you made a connection with your magical hedgehog. 

Hedgehogs have a soul just like we do. They leave an energetic blueprint in their wake. After working with your hedgehog for a while, you’ll begin to feel their energy and essence quite readily. 

The Magical Uses of Hedgehog Animal Familiar

Once a relationship has been established, you can work with your hedgehog spirit animal whenever you like! Be sure to always be respectful and to show gratitude. Hedgehogs are pretty easygoing, but like anyone else, they deserve love and respect. 

Hedgehog magic can be incorporated into any spell, charm, or amulet. You may even find yourself connecting with a hedgehog so much that you decide to adopt one as a pet! Just know that it is unlikely a real-life hedgehog will be your magical familiar. 

Remember that a familiar is a magical creature that assists you in magical workings! They protect, provide guidance, and shield you from any harmful entities that emerge on your mystical path. This isn’t something that a physical animal can do so easily, though there are rare cases. 

You don’t need an actual hedgehog to perform any spell, remedy, or ritual. All you need is the energetic blueprint of a hedgehog animal familiar to begin working spells with them. If you have a hedgehog as a pet, even better! 

But, I wouldn’t run out and buy one to perform magic. It is completely unnecessary. I recommend only adopting animals in situations where you feel called to do so, but that’s just me :) 

The more you work with the hedgehog animal familiar, the easier this will get! Keep working at it and include hedgehog magic in out-of-the-ordinary spells to challenge yourself. This will build your relationship with the spiritual essence of the animal. 

You can also surround yourself with hedgehog imagery, and embroidered pillows, and add a hedgehog statuary to your garden to get a feel for the animal. You could even create a hedgehog altar or sacred space to show love and appreciation to your new ally. 

I recommend a hedgehog altar in the garden! You could put a cute hedgehog statue in your garden, plant its favorite flowers, add some gemstones to the soil, and leave offerings. Your hedgehog guide will greatly appreciate it. 

Hedgehogs and Hedge Riding, Dreaming, and Astral Travels

There are many uses for performing hedgehog magic, but my personal favorite is hedge riding! Hedge riding is where you take a journey into the lower realm (fairy realm), middle earth (the underworld), or the upper realm (heavenly realm) with a purpose and intention for doing so. Hedgehogs are wonderful allies for any kind of astral travel! 

As shapeshifters, they can assist you in shapeshifting to disguise yourself when entering different realms. Some of these journeys can be dangerous and the hedgehog can both disguise you and protect you from the pitfalls. 

Hedgehogs can enter your sleep and dreams and assist you in daydreaming in your waking hours. The hedgehog animal familiar lives in the lower realm, the realm, closest to earth. It’s so close you can reach out and touch it! 

It’s right at your fingertips, just in a different yet same dimension. I call this realm the faerie realm, as it is the realm most associated with the fae. This is also where you’ll find most familiars alive and teeming with magical lifeforce energy. 

As you drift off to sleep each night, ask your hedgehog to enter your dreams. You may experience dream premonitions or vivid, colorful dreams of worlds that feel familiar yet so different from our own. 

I recommend sleeping with moonstone and lapis lazuli crystal under your pillow each night as you drift off to sleep! This encourages your hedgehog to assist you in any dream work. 

Keep a dream journal next to your bed and ask your hedgehog familiar to help you discover the meaning of your dreams. Your hedgehog is also great at memorizing the tiny little details of your dream, as they are very into the minutia. 

You can even say a little prayer to your hedgehog every night as your head hits the pillow! Hedgehogs have sweet, gentle grounding energy that will keep your feet firmly planted on the ground as you astral travel or ride the hedge. 

Hedgehogs and Solitary Witchcraft

Hedgehogs are loners and they walk the path of solitude, making them perfect for any green witches, hedgewitches, and folk magic practitioners out there! Even if you are simply a shy introvert, I feel like you’ll gain a lot of wisdom from working with the hedgehog animal spirit guide. 

Hedgehogs march to the beat of their own drummer! They are individualists at heart. They are the non-conformists of society, making them a joy to work with if you hold the same values. 

This is one of the reasons I wasn’t surprised when I discovered that my animal familiar was a hedgehog. It made perfect sense. Hedgehogs are quiet, gentle creatures with a knack for going into hermit mode. 

You can add hedgehog magic to spells in which you wish to spend more time alone, whether it be in the comfort of your home or in a forest somewhere. Hedgehogs are great at the hidden meaning of life as it pertains to your personal experience here on earth. 

I find that hedgehogs make great shadow work companions! You can ask them questions and wait for a response. Simply write a question in your shadow work journal and write the response down. 

You’ll know it’s your hedgehog familiar when the answer comes to you as an intuitive download or in a written response that sounds different than the way you normally write. 

It might come to you through symbolism in an unknown language or as a lighthearted response. Every hedgehog guide has a unique personality and it’s important to keep that in mind when working with them. 

If you are having trouble fitting in or feel like a social outcast, turn to the hedgehog familiar for peace, calm, and acceptance. It will help you to reconcile differences within yourself. You could even cast a self-love spell that assists you with blending in better! 

I recommend practicing hedgehog magic as a solo practitioner. Hedgehogs don’t like group settings or hierarchy. Connect with bee familiar with coven work! 

Hedgehogs and Protection Magic

Hedgehogs are protective of themselves. They treat the magical practitioner with loyalty, devotion, and respect. This means they will do anything for you, including doing anything they can to shield and protect you from harm. 

This makes the hedgehog a powerful ally to have! They will protect you from psychic attacks, energy vamps, and dark entities that wish to do you harm. This can prove especially helpful during hedge riding and astral travels. 

I have recently discovered that hedgehogs can also assist you in warning you of dangers! You might suddenly see an image of a hedgehog rolled into a ball when you meet someone. This could mean that the person you are talking to is not trustworthy! 

The more you practice working with hedgehogs, the better you’ll get at reading between the lines. Hedgehogs will often send you visions, signs, and symbolism when talking to you. 

Hedgehog Protection Amulet

You can transform any hedgehog necklace into a protection amulet! Call on your hedgehog familiar and rub your new hedgehog necklace with herbs and olive oil. Wipe clean. Be sure to put your intention into the olive oil and each herb as you go along! 

Rosemary - Protection, memory retention, and blessings! It can also be used for friendship with your hedgehog. 

Thyme - Loyalty, devotion, affection, and protection. Again, it strengthens the relationship you have with the hedgehog familiar. 

Tarragon - Eases a worried and troubled mind. This builds the psychic connection between you. It will also give you the courage and confidence to face scary situations. 

Parsley - Attract positive situations and people to you. It also keeps your hedgehog loyal to you and by your side, in it for the long haul. 

Say a few words to your hedgehog as you invite it into your heart! Thank your hedgehog :) 

Hedgehogs and Learning, Studying, and Education

Hedgehogs are curious creatures! They like to learn and study. They are studious seekers of knowledge and philosophy with a love of learning that would make Plato jealous. 

This makes hedgehogs perfect for any magical studies! Are you a baby witch? Hedgehog can help you cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time. 

Have a big test coming up? Work a spell with the hedgehog spirit for test preparation and guidance. They tend to be helpful with memorization and are very detail-oriented. 

In addition to that, they can assist you in self-care in preparation for the big exam. They might prompt you to eat blueberries for memory retention or add rosemary herb to your dishes as a means to an end. 

When I visit the fairy realm, my familiar is always hitting the books to assist me in key information and ancient wisdom! They definitely make a great study buddy. 

You can add hedgehog magic to any spell where you’d like to boost your memory and intelligence. They can help you ace exams and write incredible history reports. More importantly, they can even get you into the right school or program to assist you in furthering your education. 

Like, right now, my hedgehog familiar is assisting me in my herbalism certification. If you’d like to expand your knowledge of herbs, the hedgehog is your go-to! 

Hedgehogs can be a great boost to your magical education! Call on Hedgehog for quality spells, natural remedies, and magical hygiene practices. 

If you open the door, your familiar will lead you through it. You just have to ask for assistance and the hedgehog will lead the way. You’ll come out the other side a better person and a better witch because of it. 

With the hedgehog by your side, you’ll most likely become more in tune with your intuition and become more knowledgeable about the things that hold your interest. What the hedgehog does is expand knowledge and wisdom in new and exciting ways! 

Hedgehog Gemstones, Herbs, Plants, Tarot Card

The hedgehog animal familiar has specific crystals, herbs, and plant allies it enjoys working with. When working hedgehog magic, I highly recommend working with its favorites! 

This isn’t required and you can certainly veer off course if you need to (hedgehog would!), but it can be helpful to work with herbs and spices that your familiar already love. For further information, you can ask your familiar what it likes! 

Favorite Gemstones 

I find aventurine is a personal favorite of the hedgehog! Aventurine is a green gemstone that brings good luck and makes for safe and pleasant travels. The hedgehog does a lot of traveling and goes on many adventures throughout its day, making the aventurine gemstone the perfect traveling companion! 

Lapis Lazuli brings lighthearted, good energy into everything it touches! The hedgehog loves working with lapis lazuli, as it is known for its connection to fae magic. Hedgehogs, believe it or not, really enjoy working with the nature spirits. Hedgehog familiars live in the lower realm, the realm where fairies are known to reside. 

Moonstone is perfect for astral traveling, hedge riding, and dream premonition! This makes it a personal favorite of the hedgehog familiar. Hedgehogs spend a lot of time flying the hedge and going in between liminal spaces. They always have their feet firmly planted between the earthly realm and the Other Side. Moonstone assists with that! 

Favorite Herbs 

I find rosemary is a favorite herb of the hedgehog familiar! This makes sense to me. Rosemary is a sweet, gentle herb that loves to imbue blessings and healing energy to whatever spell it touches. Much like the hedgehog spiritual familiar! 

Favorite Plants 

Hedgehogs love blueberries as a favorite plant! Blueberries are known for their robust flavor, and memory retention, and work great in beauty spells and glamour magic. I find the hedgehog familiar loves the blueberry plant for its magical properties and calming energy. The Blueberry plant is associated with psychic abilities, communication, and the throat chakra. With its thirst for knowledge, the blueberry plant is the perfect plant ally for the hedgehog animal familiar! 

I find the aloe vera plant is especially beloved by the hedgehog animal familiar! It makes perfect sense, as both aloe vera and hedgehogs are gentle creatures. This may be why I have an aloe vera plant that acts as my plant familiar at home. Her name is Alice and she assists me with grieving, heart-healing, and understanding my emotional landscape. This makes her the perfect plant ally for my animal familiar! 

I have discovered that hedgehogs also love to work with daisies. It doesn’t matter what kind, they love daisies! My hedgehog familiar often likes to roll around in a field of daisies, picking up the scent and essence of the daisy flower. This is like its own personal brand of perfume! Daisies represent innocence, childhood, purity, and nostalgia. 

Favorite Tarot Cards 

The page of swords is a favorite tarot card of the hedgehog animal familiar! This is because it represents a studious young person, a seeker of knowledge if you will. Hedgehogs are known for being quick-witted, clever, and scholarly and the page of swords represents that kind of energy. 

The page of swords is a card of communication, thought, and the rational mind. This is the kind of curious mindset the hedgehog familiar was born with. They love to study and learn every detail of every little thing. 

Growth and expansiveness are their wheelhouse! Spend time with the page of swords and research information on it from different reputable sites to gain knowledge and understanding. After all, this is what your hedgehog familiar would do! 

Hedgehog Grounding Ritual

The Hedgehog familiar covers a lot of ground throughout their lives. They are known for healing, grounding, and lower realm energy! The fairy realm is about as close to earthing, forest bathing, and grounding as one can get. 

This is the perfect grounding ritual for your magical practice! It’s important to ground your energy after doing spellwork or else you’ll experience the signs and symptoms of what I like to call a magical hangover. 

For this ritual, you’ll need a plant pot and potting soil. Add a few gemstones and herbs to the top of the soil for good measure. I recommend using the hedgehog familiars favorite gemstones and herbs for this! 

The potting soil is rich in life-force energy! Potting soil is connected to Mother Gaia and the earth’s healing energy. The rich, nourishing ingredients in potting soil make it perfect for grounding, calming, and centering. 

To give the soil a boost, sprinkle graveyard dirt on the top layer! Graveyard dirt aids you in leveling up spiritually and brings success to any grounding ritual. I find it also invites in benevolent spirits! 

Put on some soft music and call on your hedgehog animal familiar! Invite him or her into your sacred space. You could even light a few candles for ambiance if this helps you find your calm and center. 

Now, take your bare palms and place them on top of the soil, and close your eyes. Feel the texture of the soil between your fingers. Touch the crystals and herbs gingerly. This is your grounding station. 

Imagine that every fiber of your being is drawn closer to the earth and its natural healing remedy. Pay attention to any signs or symbolism from your hedgehog. I recommend staying there as long as you need to! 

Energetically, you should be able to feel when it’s time to walk away. Be sure to thank your hedgehog for its calm, healing energy! Thank you for reading :) 

Laurali Star

Hi! I’m Laurali. I’m a green witch. I make herbal spells using plant allies. I have a deep, spiritual connection to plants and mother nature that aligns with my green witchcraft practice.


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