Plants By Laurali Garden Witchcraft

Garden Witchcraft

Here, you’ll learn all about how plants are magic! Garden Witchcraft comes with plant profiles, garden spells, and plant witchery for the plant witch at heart.

The Witch’s Magical Garden

How to Be a Plant Witch

  • Work with the plant spirits! Spend time with them, give them offerings, play music for them, and most of all, love them with all your heart.

  • Please read my article on how to be a plant witch! You’ll learn how to gain plant wisdom, work with the moon's phases, and make plant spirit offerings.

  • Create a witch’s magical garden and invite benevolent spirits, like gnomes, fairies, and animal spirits, into your garden! They can help you tend the soil and connect with roots.

  • Spend time wildcrafting in Mother Nature! Here, you’ll find mushrooms, plants, acorns, and trees to work with and bring home.

  • Learn how to work with plant familiars! Plant familiars can help you cross the hedge and do some hedge riding. They can also help you concoct spells and potions. They also make great companions for the witch.

  • Design your own plant spirit witchcraft practice! Here, you’ll learn how to create plant monographs, make herbal teas, and spend time in the butterfly garden of life.

Green Hearthcraft
Every month
Every year

Welcome to Green Hearthcraft! Here, you'll learn all about cottagecore living and warm and cozy witchcraft. Experience everyday mundane magic with house witchcraft and by creating green kitchen witch recipes. Design a garden where you can grow food and plants! Celebrate the changing seasons and weather with seasonal witchcraft! All levels are welcome! Sign up, drink herbal tea, relax, get comfy, and enjoy.

✓ Cottagecore Witchcraft
✓ House Witchcraft
✓ Green Kitchen Witchcraft
✓ Garden Witchcraft
✓ Seasonal Witchcraft