My Favorite Fall Witchy Rituals

Plants By Laurali My Favorite Fall Witchy Rituals

My favorite fall witchy rituals include weather magic, graveyard magic, and ancestor veneration with Plants By Laurali! The autumn season is a wonderful time to slow down and practice everyday mundane magic.

The fall season is a time for calming activities and engaging with the weather! It’s a time when you can spend time in nature and connect with Mother Earth.

If you are a witch, the magnitude of autumn is amplified! You feel it in your veins and it lives in every thread of fiber of your magical witchcraft practice.

October is when the veil becomes thinner, November is a period of gratitude and thanks, and December brings the Winter Solstice and the holiday season! During this period, there is an abundance and plenty for all to enjoy, most especially the green witch.

The Green Witch celebrates moon magic and seasonal shifts! The nature witch lives by the moon, the seasons, and the weather.

Leaning into earth magic and plant witchery, the green nature witch will surely tap into the magical powers of the autumnal leaves, pumpkin patches, and the veil that has slowly begun to thin out leaving room for spirit work aplenty.

That being said, as a solitary green witch, I’d love to share some of my favorite fall witchy rituals with you! I’m a big fan of sweater weather spell magic, spending time in the pumpkin patch, and drinking warm cinnamon and nutmeg tea on a crisp fall day.

My Favorite Fall Witchy Rituals

Setting Autumn Intentions - During every seasonal shift, I set my intentions. Fall is the death season, a time of closing things out and going deep within my spiritual psyche. I usually choose three to five intentions and cross them off as they come true.

My Autumn Intentions

  • Ride my bike more - My boyfriend bought me a professional bike that is super cute and I want to ride it more and enjoy the autumn weather while doing so!

  • Take more snapshots in nature - I’d like to capture the magic of fall on camera! I get brownie points for hiking, forest bathing, and earthing.

  • Practice more graveyard magic - Cemetery magic is something that can be practiced year-round, but there’s something special about doing it in the autumn months while the veil is thin! Bonus points for practicing graveyard photography.

  • Autumn glow-up - I’m feeling ready for my next glow-up! A glow-up is often spiritual and physical. I’d like to see myself change naturally with the season in a magical way by practicing more glamour magic. I’m all about subtle changes that make a big difference!

  • Practice Gratitude - I’d like to get back to writing morning gratitude lists and being thankful for something each day! The more grateful I am, the more the universe delivers. Making gratitude lists is a calming fall activity that anyone can do!

Practicing Weather Magic - Autumn is perhaps my favorite time of year to practice weather witchcraft! Weather witchcraft is the art of being able to make it rain, stop a storm from happening, make snow fall from the sky, or create the perfect autumn day.

For weather witchery, I work with Lord Zeus, as he is the God of storms and weather! He helped protect my tiny seaside fishing village and property from Hurricane Ian last year.

You can practice weather magic by using the four elements! You’ll need a combination of earth, fire, air, and water. If you practice Chinese Elements, you can add metal and wood to the mix, too!

Sweater Weather Magic Spell

For the sweater weather magic spell, you’ll want to head into the forest! While there, feel the magic of fall in your veins. become one with the season.

In the forest landscape, begin collecting items that remind you of the fall season elements. This might include pinecones, fall leaves, acorns, and feathers from owls, crows, and other harbingers of death.

Crow Feathers - Represent darkness, the crone, the shadow self, and the death season. They are clever birds with a penchant for the darker things in life.

Owl Feathers - Represent magic, mystery, observation, and innate wisdom. They are birds of prey with the clarity to see all and know all.

Ravens Feathers - Represent dark magic, keeping secrets, and all mysterious things. They are a favorite bird of the witch!

You can amplify your sweater weather magic spell by wearing a sweater you’ve enchanted! I recommend a red sweater as it holds the key to power.

You can also use this time to pray to Lord Zeus, the God of weather, or call on the nature spirits to help you out! I recommend only calling on the fae if you already have an established relationship with them and you know they will cooperate.

As you leave the forest, blow a kiss to the forest knowing your spell has been set! You can then keep the items and put them in a mojo bag and bury them on your property or in a potted plant. Use material that is earth-friendly!

Be sure to thank the four elements, the nature spirits, Lord Zeus, or any spirit you worked with to make this spell come to life! Remember these deities and guides will be powering and boosting your spell for as long as you need them to.

The entire point of this spell is to create sweater weather in your local area or on your property. The bigger the landmass, the more powerful the witch needs to be! This is a great jumping-off point for the aspiring weather witch.

Practicing Graveyard Magic

Practicing graveyard magic, especially while the veil is thin, is one of my favorite fall pastimes as a green witch! Graveyard witchery is where you spend time in graveyards and cemeteries collecting graveyard dirt and getting to know the spirits who have been laid to rest there.

This is advanced witchcraft and I recommend practicing protection magic and spirit work before you ever step foot in the graveyard! It’s important to be respectful of the spirits laid to rest there and to honor them by cleaning up headstones and leaving offerings.

You’ll also need permission from the guardian of the cemetery to practice there! You will meet the guardian on your first visit, as long as you are open to seeing and believing.

Once you’ve gained approval, you’ll need to make payment on the way in and out of the graveyard to the graveyard keeper. This can be cash or coins. Be sure to leave your payment at the gate entrance!

Graveyard Dirt Clarity Spell

Graveyard dirt is an herb that isn’t really an herb at all! You can collect graveyard dirt from the entrance and in and around the graveyard you practice magic to use in spells.

Once you connect with the spirit of a particular gravestone, you can also collect specimens of their dirt. Be sure to use a spoon or a small bottle! Never take more than you need and don’t dig deep.

To create a graveyard dirt spell, you’ll collect plant life, graveyard dirt, grave dirt (dirt from a specific gravesite), and anything else that is natural in the cemetery that you can use in a spell.

The point of this spell is to gain clarity and see things you might never see in this life from the vantage point of the graveyard. What do you wish to see that you may never see in this life?

Think of it while you walk around the graveyard collecting specimens. During this time, you can talk to any spirits you’ve made a strong connection with and ask them to boost and power your spell. Feel the magic of clarity wash over you!

Feel the crisp fall breeze and leave offerings to the graveyard spirits who have assisted you in graveyard magic! Be sure to leave payment on the way out of the cemetery near the entrance and make sure the toll you give is something special and magical.

I also recommend calling on the powers of Goddess Hecate to assist you in graveyard magic! She is the Greek Goddess of ghosts, graveyards, crossroads, and doors. She can protect you as you do spirit work and propel your spell forward with ease and grace.

Ancestor Veneration

Ancestor veneration is something I talk a lot about in my grimoire. Ancestor veneration is where you worship and honor your ancestors. You do this by leaving them offerings and lighting candles for them.

In the autumn months, I tend to practice ancestor veneration more as the veil becomes thinner and more opaque. The ancestors are people who have once lived and have your back. They are family members by blood or kin, but they don’t have to be.

To practice ancestor veneration, you might like to create an ancestor altar with some autumn decorations. The ancestors like pumpkins and other gourds, apples, and a plentitude of water. They need food as nourishment to carry out the tasks and magic you ask them to perform.

Anytime you ask the ancestors to do something for you, be sure to give thanks and leave some kind of offering! This will make things happen faster and everyone wins in this scenario.

Ancestor Spell for Seeking Guidance

Ancestors are people who were once living and are now deceased. They have a great deal of wisdom and understand life better now that they have passed on. They are the perfect people to call on when you seek guidance!

Think about something you need guidance on and ask them to step in and provide wisdom and knowledge about the situation. Be sure to light a candle and leave water (water is a bridge to the spirit world), as well as any offerings you think will nourish them.

Then, leave it to them! It’s important to get out of your way and let your team go to work on the problem for you. You’ll receive guidance through intuitive downloads, signs, symbolism, channeled songs, and messages through other people and books.

Be open to all of it! When the guidance comes, you’ll know. The ancestors don’t pussyfoot around and will get right to the heart of the problem.

Adoration of the Autumn Season

As you can see, I adore the magic of fall, especially as a seasonal witch! There’s a subtle magic to the pumpkins, the cinnamon brooms, the candied apples, and the sweater weather. What are your favorite fall witchy rituals?

Laurali Star

Hi! I’m Laurali. I’m a green witch. I make herbal spells using plant allies. I have a deep, spiritual connection to plants and mother nature that aligns with my green witchcraft practice.

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