Green Hearthcraft

Welcome to Green Hearthcraft! It’s a warm, comfy, cozy world to learn about green witchcraft, kitchen witchcraft, and hearthcraft with all your heart. Are you looking to craft spells, remedies, and recipes from the heart? You’ve come to the right place!

Green Hearthcraft
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Welcome to Green Hearthcraft! Here, you'll learn all about cottagecore living and warm and cozy witchcraft. Experience everyday mundane magic with house witchcraft and by creating green kitchen witch recipes. Design a garden where you can grow food and plants! Celebrate the changing seasons and weather with seasonal witchcraft! All levels are welcome! Sign up, drink herbal tea, relax, get comfy, and enjoy.

✓ Cottagecore Witchcraft
✓ House Witchcraft
✓ Green Kitchen Witchcraft
✓ Garden Witchcraft
✓ Seasonal Witchcraft
Nourishment, Wellness, Hearthcraft Laurali Star Nourishment, Wellness, Hearthcraft Laurali Star

Weight-Loss Witchcraft: Spells, Vitamins, and Recipes for Losing Weight

This is my witchy guide to weight-loss witchcraft with spells, vitamins, and recipes for losing weight! My favorite things in life are eating a plant-based diet and moving my body. In this article, I’ll discuss what works for me, as my body moves in cycles., and I approach a healthy weight through magical and mundane means.

As a solitary green witch, plant life, in all forms, including plant-based foods, tends to be a driving force in my life. I revolve my life around it.

There are foods I choose that ground and center me. These types of foods typically include mushrooms, potatoes, and root vegetables. Foods like these directly impact my root chakra!

Some foods make me heart-centered and affect my emotional landscape. These types of foods typically include strawberries, avocado, watermelon, and tomatoes. Even a leafy green vegetable like sorrel can bring a certain amount of affection into my heart chakra!

Purple foods like purple onion, beetroot, and lavender tea affect my crown chakra, magically altering my highest state and mood. These types of foods make me feel a sense of passion and depth that connects me to my higher self, my deities, and the spirits I work with.

Other types of plant-based foods, like blueberries, grapes, and purple cabbage impact my mind and memories. They lie directly in my third-eye chakra, opening up my psychic abilities, and allowing me to see things beyond the naked eye.

The bright orange color of carrots can bring forth clarity to even the most confusing situation. Carrots can be used for truth serum spells!

When I wish to bring out my fun, creative side or connect with my inner child, I turn to bananas, chia seeds, and pineapple fruit-based popsicles! This connects me with the yellow color of my sacral chakra which lies in my stomach.

Each day, I use my witchy intuition to listen to my body! But, what does all of this have to do with weight loss and witchcraft?

As a plant witch, I use herbal spells, natural vitamins, and green kitchen witch recipes to lose weight. I combine the magical and the mundane for weight loss witchcraft!

It’s a proven fact that 80% of weight loss is diet and 20% is exercise. So, I focus on eating healthy and taking vitamins that support metabolism first and foremost. I also exercise several days a week consistently.

But, how does magick play into this? Everything from enchanting my yoga mat to mushroom decomposer weight-loss spells can go hand-in-hand with the everyday mundane magic of losing weight for every kind of witch out there!

Weight-Loss Witchcraft: Spells, Vitamins, and Recipes for Losing Weight

In this article, you’ll learn how to lose weight using everyday mundane kitchen witch magic! With my style of diet and exercise, you’ll come to appreciate the weight-loss challenge set in front of you.

Losing weight isn’t easy, witchcraft practitioner or not. Along the way, I’ve learned how to use the magic of everyday kitchen and exercise items to increase my metabolism, and to spark weight loss.

Witchcraft wellness is a great way to balance your body and your practice! You’ll come to find and design a system that works for you by putting your faith, trust, and of course, hard work into it using my methods.

In the past year, I’ve gained some weight, and I’m not happy about it. However, it’s okay to say that my body moves in cycles, and this is just one of them.

I believe changing hormones and a changing lifestyle have a lot to do with what’s happening to my body. For one thing, I turned forty-seven this year, and my hormones and moon cycles are changing all of the time. For you, it might be something else.

I’ve also been in a serious relationship for over a year and a half, and my whole routine and rituals have changed because of this. My partner and I have a lot of fun together and on the weekends probably drink too much wine. These are things I’m working on, magically and mundane.

I’m happy. Like, over the moon happy. But, I have a lot of stress in my life, and now I’ve gained some weight. I look healthy and I’m in pretty good shape, but I’m ready to get back to being fully me.

I’ve created this magical weight-loss routine for myself and for anyone who wishes to lose weight! Maybe you’re fed up with fad diets or your current diet is no longer working for you. Maybe you’ve gained a little weight, too.

This witchy weight loss program can help! Whether you want to lose a little vanity weight or maintain your current weight, magic has a place in weight-loss witchcraft.

The weight-loss Witchcraft program includes:

  • Eating Healthy: Plant-Based Witchcraft

  • Choosing Intentions for Green Kitchen Witch Recipes

  • How to Lose Weight With Witchcraft

  • Enchanting Your Yoga Mat

  • Create a Weight-Loss Servitor

  • Deities That Can Help You Lose Weight

  • Vitamins for Weight-Loss

  • How to Cleanse and Bless Vitamins

  • Witchy Recipes That Support Weight-loss

  • Mushroom Decomposer Weight-Loss Spell

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. For healthy weight loss, I recommend seeking the guidance of a medical practitioner or certified nutritionist. I cannot promise you will lose weight with this program, only offer guidance and weight loss tips! The rest is up to you. I take no bearing or responsibility for your health or weight loss efforts.

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