Waxing Moon Magic Spells and Rituals

Plants By Laurali Waxing Moon Magic Spells and Rituals

This is a blog post on waxing moon magic spells and rituals waxing crescent moon energy with Plants By Laurali! Known as the “increasing” moon, the waxing moon increases things and grows them.

The waxing moon is a moon phase like no other! It’s a great time to do any kind of spell that grows, increases, or adds new additions to your life.

For example, if you want to do a money spell to pay for the renovations on your home, the waxing crescent moon is the ideal time to do it! It’s great for adding, increasing, growing, and fostering your heart’s desires.

The waxing moon energy is an energy that feels fast-paced and kinda intense! There’s a lot of zeal, excitement, and passion when it comes to this moon phase.

It’s a great time to foster creativity and grow things! What would you like to grow more of in your life? It could be money, developing a new relationship, increasing readership, and more!

This moon phase reflects what we’d like to see more of in our lives. It brings in more things to enjoy! It’s a moon that pours blessings upon us with ease and grace.

I use this moon phase to foster growth in my self-development! While I love the baneful moon (waning moon) the best, the waxing moon holds enthusiasm for the future.

It’s the kind of moon that builds momentum, as it is building up the energy to the full moon phase. The full moon phase is all about releasing things and letting them go.

Unlike the new moon, the increasing moon isn’t about novelty or new & shiny things. It’s a moon that keeps the magic going and delivers it to new places and heights!

I love the waxing moon for its characteristic increase in material wealth and spiritual growth. It’s a great time to see an increase in your psychic abilities.

It’s a fabulous moon for seeing previous spells come to life! If you planted the seeds during the new moon, you’ll likely see the spell manifest during the waxing crescent moon phase.

This moon will reflect the changes you have made in your life. How have you grown as a person? How can you build upon that?

Waxing Moon Magic Spells and Rituals

The beauty of the waxing moon is in the growth and creativity you’ll experience! You will positively flourish during this enlightened period.

You’ll see spells come to fruition. You’ll grow as a person. You’ll foster your creativity and passions in a way that brings joy to your life.

It’s a great time to take the next step in life, whether it be graduating from intermediate to advanced-level yoga or learning the healing properties of herbs, as an add-on to their magical properties.

If you want to grow your soul consciousness, this is a period where spiritual development is highly possible. This moon phase increases your gifts and brings in new ones that remain hidden from view.

For waxing moon magic spells and rituals, embellish! Add gemstones, herbs, tree bark, and anything extra to the spells you do.

Waxing Crescent Moon Spells

What a moon! The waxing crescent moon is a moon of embellishment so go ahead, slather your spells and rituals with additional steps and charms.

You can do that by adding a cup of herbal tea with intention, the same intention you used in your latest spell. Burn bay leaves or write your intention on a piece of paper and wrap it up with bay leaves to make your wish come true!

These additional steps guarantee your spell will come true somewhere down the line. Sooner rather than later.

If you are trying to create a financial gain, use the waxing moon to add additional steps in the form of rituals! Start with a money bowl. Fill it with loose change, cash bills, checks made out to you, and money crystals.

Next, use four tea leaf candles and rub them in money oil and some basil to attract money. Why four? Four is the number that creates a structure for stability, groundedness, and mainstay.

Four is my favorite number! I use it in many of my spells as I feel a soul resonance with it. Four is like a house built to last.

You can add a petition with bay leaves and burn it, add a cup of herbal tea, or bury some gemstones in a plant and slather them in honey. Whatever makes you feel you have completed your spell during the waxing moon.

Waxing Moon Rituals

The rituals for the waxing moon are the additional steps you’ll add to your herbal spell or remedy. You take the intention (petition) from the original spell you created and use it in extra little rituals to solidify the spell.

Again, it could be grounding with a short restorative yoga session by adding your intention to it. Yoga magic is a great way to add to a spell you’ve cast!

It could be pouring moon water onto your houseplants as you chant your intention! Moon water is an awesome way to increase the magic of a spell. For more on water magic, read the swamp witchcraft field guide!

Why is it important to increase the magic of the spell? It’s like a money-back guarantee your spell will work! It promises things will work out.

The waxing moon is a great time to build rituals and create success around the spells you create! It’s a great time to add on and feature new things to what already exists.

Waxing Crescent Moon Energy

The energy of the waxing crescent moon is building momentum! It builds upon the foundation of a structure that already exists, whether it be spellcasting or creating herbal remedies.

You’ll see a lot of growth and learn a lot during this time! It’s a time for increasing beauty, knowledge, wisdom, money, and love.

If you want a relationship to bloom, the waxing moon is the time to make that happen! It increases love, develops relationships, and grows love between two people.

It’s all about increasing, growing, fostering, and adding to a pre-existing structure. As I’m writing this, we are about to enter into a waxing moon phase. I say use it to your advantage and make it worth your time. Thanks for reading, loves! xoxo

Laurali Star

Hi! I’m Laurali. I’m a green witch. I make herbal spells using plant allies. I have a deep, spiritual connection to plants and mother nature that aligns with my green witchcraft practice.


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