How to Be a Green Hearth Witch

Plants By Laurali How to Be a Green Hearth Witch

How to be a Green Hearth Witch comes with plant spirit witchcraft, house witchery, and Green Hearthcraft with Plants By Laurali! Being a witch doesn’t always mean choosing one path. Sometimes, it means blending pathways to forge a new path.

I consider myself a green witch, first and foremost. It is at the heart of everything I do. Recently, I’ve concluded that being a green hearth witch encompasses who I am and where I am going.

What is a green hearth witch? A green hearthcraft witch feels cozy and comfortable in her skin. She feels at home in Mother Nature and brings nature into her house.

The green hearth witch embodies the home and the elements of nature combined. She loves her houseplants, practices garden witchcraft, and works with house spirits.

She is the household witch at the heart of everyday mundane magic. She puts her intentions into daily household chores and tasks. She spends a lot of time in the kitchen, preparing magical plant-based recipes for her family.

When she’s not spending time at home or in her garden, you can find her practicing weather witchcraft and celebrating seasonal shifts and witchy holidays. She’s very in tune with the seasons, holidays, lunar phases, and the weather in her local region.

She’s also not one to shy away from spending time in the forest! She’s all about crafting hiking spells and wildcrafting with seasonal witchcraft. She feels at home in nature!

This is where she collects her most sacred spell ingredients. Things like rocks, twigs, leaves, flowers, and plant life bloom here. In the forest, she can make friends with tree spirits and the spirits of the land!

In a nutshell, the green hearthcraft witch is a green witch, a house witch, a hedge witch, and a kitchen witch. She encompasses all of these qualities with ease and grace.

I find her to be so important, that I’ve built an entire business around green hearthcraft! This kind of witchcraft is wrapped in a warm, cozy blanket. It speaks to the homebody at heart.

This style of witchcraft is built around chores, meal preparation, and kinfolk style, slow living! It makes you feel like every little thing you do is magic. It builds a fire from within the witch and stokes it.

How To Be a Green Hearth Witch

How does one go about becoming a green hearthcraft witch? Look around you! What do you see? You may find that you already encompass what is needed to go the green hearth route.

Do you often find yourself longing for comfort, coziness, and a slower lifestyle where you can get away from it all? This is a sign you could be on the path!

Are you a homebody? Do you enjoy spending time in your garden or relaxing with your houseplants? Do you enjoy reading a good book with the window open and a cool breeze wafting in?

Do you enjoy cozy and seasonal witchcraft? Can you be found practicing tea witchcraft and slowing down to amuse yourself with the family pet? Are you the type of person who crafts spells from the kitchen cupboards?

If so, you might be a green hearth witch! If you practice green hearthcraft, chances are, you are a green witch, a hearth witch, a hedge witch, or a kitchen witch. You might be all of these things rolled into one!

The thing about being a witch is that labels don’t matter. You’ll notice these four types of witches often overlap in the work they do. I find them to be interchangeable.

I’ve chosen green hearthcraft as a label that encapsulates all of them! I have tried this label on for size and it’s a perfect fit for me. You should do and be what feels good and makes sense for you.

Being a green hearth witch is a choice you make based on what you want out of life. Maybe you find yourself wishing to slow down and smell the roses. Maybe you enjoy the little things in life that others take for granted.

The truth is, practicing house witchcraft isn’t for everyone, but for those who seek it, there are sweet rewards to be found. It’s something that requires simplicity and getting back to a magical place in time. Let’s take a look at that, shall we?

Cottagecore Witchcraft and Green Hearthcraft

At the heart of green hearthcraft lives cottagecore living! The cottagecore lifestyle is a movement based on the idea of simplicity, slow living, sustainability, and a deep connection to nature.

Not everyone who practices cottagecore life has a cabin in the woods or a cottage in the countryside. It looks and feels different for each person.

At the time I am writing this, I live in an adorable, nature-inspired apartment in a tiny, seaside fishing village in Florida. My boyfriend lives in a huge house next door and I will eventually move in with him.

My house is covered in houseplants, gemstones, and terrariums. There is a garden right outside my door. I go hiking in my favorite park, which is right down the road, several times a week. It is here you can find me wildcrafting, talking to tree spirits, and consorting with the nature spirits.

I live a simple life and it makes me feel warm, safe and loved. There’s a feeling of abundance without needing much. I have everything I need in my life and more.

Cottagecore living and green hearthcraft go hand-in-hand together! They complement each other. The cottagecore life is about enjoying the little things in life and making them grow.

Cottagecore Values:

  • Slow Living

  • Sustainability

  • Simplicity

  • A deep connection to nature

Cottagecore Lifestyle Tips: for Witchcraft

  • Garden spells

  • Enchant nature-inspired accessories

  • Spend time in Mother Nature

  • Craft spells while listening to indie folk music

  • Talk to your plants and care for them

  • Sewing, knitting, and embroidery spellcrafting

  • Pick up trash to connect with the nature spirits

  • Reading witchcraft books and magical realism

  • Hiking Spells

  • Forage for a Hekate Mushroom Key

  • Picnickicking with the gods

  • Wildcrafting for plant medicine

  • Make friends with a tree spirit

The green hearthcraft lifestyle and cottagecore hold many of the same values! They pair well together. Think of being a green hearth witch and incorporate some of these tips to make beneficial changes in your life today!

House Witchcraft and Green Hearthcraft

Part of being a green hearthcraft witchcraft practitioner is being a house witch! The study of house witchery includes creating safe and comfortable spaces for you and your family.

In this case, the home itself becomes the spell! The home is a living, breathing entity. You can work with the house and hearth spirits of the home to perform tasks and chores.

Your home is where you’ll be performing many of your spells. For the house witch, casting a circle is unnecessary. The house itself protects you as you work your magick!

You’ll also be making friends and canoodling with your house spirits. There’s the spirit of the house itself and the benevolent spirits you invite into your space.

Green hearthcraft is all about a warm, cozy home. You need a safe place to land and a place to hang your hat each day. A house witch holds similar vibes to the green hearth witch.

The only difference here is that the green hearthcraft witch does everything with sustainability in mind. They might cook with food fresh from the garden with a farm-to-table result. They might use green bulbs, recycle trash, use their eggshells for mulch, and surround themselves with plants that provide fresh, clean air and friendship.

House witchcraft is all about practicing witchcraft from home and inviting benevolent house spirits in! If this is something that intrigues you, then you are on the right path to where you need to go.

Green Kitchen Witch and Green Hearthcraft

You’ve seen the Pinterest boards on the zero-waste kitchen and living a farm-to-table life! They are aesthetically pleasing and give us green witches something to strive for.

If you are going to practice green hearthcraft magic, then you are going to want to get into kitchen witchery! This can be anything from tea magick to transforming a plant-based meal into a spell.

To become a green kitchen witch, you are going to want to get to know the hearth of the home. I consider it the heart of the home, where the warmth and coziness come into play. There are actual hearth spirits that live here.

The hearth of the home can be found in the kitchen, usually where the cooking takes place. This will be where the oven lives and I highly recommend naming your oven and bringing it to life!

You might also like to work with a hearth or kitchen witch goddess. I have a cupboard in my kitchen that has been transformed into an altar for Goddess Vesta. I feed her with food and potions and, in return, she protects me, my home, and my family.

The green kitchen witch makes green kitchen witch recipes! This means that she transforms every meal into a spell and evokes a feeling to take place.

As a kitchen witch, I often make protection spells out of scrambled eggs most mornings. Additionally, I make salads for love magick, create sweetness with tea magick, and turn herb-infused olive oil into money magick.

You never know what magick you can find in your cupboards and growing in windowsill gardens! The green kitchen witch doesn’t have to be a world-renowned chef. She just has to put a little sprinkle of love into the meals she makes!

Plant Spirit Witchcraft and Green Hearthcraft

I cannot imagine a green hearth witch without plants because she doesn’t exist. Part of being any kind of green witch involves a deep bond and connection with plant spirits. A green hearthcraft witch always has plants around to use in her practice.

My plant spirit witchcraft practice involves wildcrafting, tending to potted plant spells, and wearing my wearable planter necklace when I go out. Plants go with me wherever I go!

Part of practicing green hearth witchery is spending a lot of time as a plant witch! I talk to my plant allies, sing to them, play music for them, and give them moon water as an offering. Plants are living, breathing entities that love human interaction, depending on the plant.

If you want to be a green hearth witch, you’ll want to start connecting with the plants around your home and garden, one by one. It takes time, energy, and affection to work with plant spirits. The more devotion you give to the one plant will open up doors to others!

Tips for Working With Plant Spirits:

  • Transform houseplants into potted plant spells

  • Wear plants as accessories

  • Wildcraft for plants using your intuition

  • Create terrarium spells

  • Grow herbs on your windowsill

  • Grow food in your garden

  • Grow plants in your garden

  • Work with Goddess Hekate

  • Make a plant familiar

  • Create a DIY botanical energy shield

  • Call on Goddess Demeter to be your garden goddess

Conclusion to Green Hearthcrafting

In conclusion, green hearthcrafting is very personal! It involves your house, plants, family pets, and working with animal witchcraft. Green hearthcraft is the type of witchcraft that is after my own heart!

It’s warm and cozy and makes me feel comfortable in my skin. It’s the type of witchcraft that involves the home life and the nature-inspired life I aspire to. It’s a way of living that is simple and magical!

The more you do it, the better you get at it. Everything from decorating your home to creating potted plant spells and gardening are used here with zero-waste! Become a green hearth witch today.

Laurali Star

Hi! I’m Laurali. I’m a green witch. I make herbal spells using plant allies. I have a deep, spiritual connection to plants and mother nature that aligns with my green witchcraft practice.

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