Plants By Laurali

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Air Witchcraft: The Air Element

Air Witchcraft: The Air Element uses augury, communication spells, and the throat chakra to connect with air Magick with Plants By Laurali! This is part of my spellcraft series on the four elements and the Chinese elements and how to use them in the craft.

When I think of the air element, I think of weather witchcraft! Air reminds me of communication, travel, and technology, much like Mercury in Retrograde. The planet Mercury is associated with air, thought, and intellect!

Air reminds me of writing, journaling, and reflection. It also reminds me of clarity, clear thinking, and thought processes. This element assists with the communication of ideas.

With the air element, ideas will be aplenty! When working with air, there will be no shortage of intellectual thought and great ideas for home and business. It’s the element that makes you think about things.

With air magick, you’ll be able to make connections between ideas and taking action. There will be forward movement and air will steer you in the right direction. It’s energy is fast-moving!

How many times have you listened to a song and it instantly lifted your mood and spirits? That’s the element of air at work. Bonus points for singing along to the song!

Air is words, thoughts, ideas, and the actions to back them up and move them forward. Air is what helps us study and retain knowledge. Air is what assists us in our daily workings and helps build a strong work ethic.

With the earth element, I find groundedness and build upon the foundation of resources that I already have. With the air element, I connect with my higher self and visit dream realms!

With the water element, my ideas and creativity flow as I conjur up my childlike imagination. With the air element, I take my imagination one step further by writing down my thoughts, plans, and ideas for the future. My childhood self becomes fun and whimsical, like a kite flying in the wind!

When I think of air, I think of a crisp, fall day and sweater weather! I think of things that excite me, light me up, and lift me to higher places like a hot air balloon overlooking our world.

The air element is connected to higher planes, such as heaven, ouronic deities, and the higher self. It is here where I study, learn, and gain intellectual thought and wisdom that I can use in everyday mundane magic.

Today, I am going to talk about air witchcraft and how to incorporate the element of air into your green hearthcraft practice! The magical properties of air can be used in everything from singing to your spells to sealing a spell jar by breathing air into it and closing it tightly. Let’s get started, shall we?

Air Witchcraft: The Air Element

Using air can be exciting and exhilerating! I use the air element all the time in my plant witchcraft practice. Air can be used to sing to my plant spirits and raise energy for the spells I create.

I also use air witchcraft for divination in something known as augury, using animal witchcraft. Augury uses birds for fortune telling. Birds, especially corvid birds, can be used as omens, signs, and synchronicities.

Bird magick is associated with the air element! Birds carry messages on wings and air. For example, when seeking knowledge, I often see or turn to owl animal spirit.

With air witchcraft, tools such as feathers, quill pens, and technology can be used in your practice. When I go forest bathing, you can often find me collecting feathers to use in spellwork.

Air magick can also be used in communication spells! Whether it be writing or sending messages, air can be used in no-contact spells. The air element can be used in an herbal envelope spell with a feather and your breath, in order to get someone to open up or communicate with you after a long respite.

The air element is associated with the magic of the throat chakra! The throat chakra assists us with being able to speak up, express our ideas, and communicate. When the throat chakra is closed or out of balance, communication skills may go haywire.

The throat chakra is aquamarine in color and brings to mind calm, tranquil energy. It reminds us to be mindful of our words as we go about our day.

Additionally, air is associated with the crown chakra and the higher realms in witchcraft! The crown chakra is purple in color and reminds me of divinity, spirituality, and dream magick.

Think of air as energy that can be raised during spellwork! For example, I often listen to music while doing spellwork and during deity work and spirit work. It elevates the mood and creates a bubble around my spells and rituals.

Air is also associated with air sylphs, a type of winged fairy! They often come to mind when you need them the most. Fairies are wonderful for creating thought bubbles and strengthening our mental health, if you are open to working with them.

As you can see, air magick can be used in magical ways! Air is breathing, psychology, shadow work, and spiritual advancement. Without air, us mere mortals wouldn’t exist!

So, take a deep breath, and breathe in the air magick all around you. Air will make you feel calm, steady, and whimsical. It will heal your lungs, throat, and lift the crown of your hair. It will remove stress, anxiety, and lift you out of the deepest depression, if you should ask for it. Work with air witchcraft today!

Magical Properties of the Air Element

  • Cardinal East Direction

  • Spring Season (Spring Equinox/Ostara)

  • Colors: Blue and Purple

  • Associated with Angels and Air Sylphs

  • Early Morning (Sunrise)

  • Chakras: Throat Chakra and Crown Chakra

  • The Planet Mercury: Communication, Travel, and Technology

  • Energetic, Fast-Movement, Uplifting

Medicinal Properties of the Air Element

  • Uplifts Mood and Spirits

  • Mindfulness

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety

  • Improves Lung Function

  • Increased Energy

  • Shadow Work

  • Strengthens Mental Health

  • Transformation

The air element can be used in poetry spellwork, communication spells, travel spells, and any kind of technology spell! You might like to try my sweater weather spell, which pairs well with the air element. Something as simple as breathing into a spell can seal the deal!

You can enchant feathers that you find naturally in Mother Nature. You can start an entire feather collection and identify corvid birds or bird familiars you are interested in working with. To enchant nature-inspired accessories is an extremely witchy thing to do!

If you practice yoga like I do, you can use breathwork to create yoga spells and become a yoga witch! Additionally, if you’d like to connect with your higher self or divinity, you might enjoy meditation which is highly connected to the air element.

Air is limitless! With air spells, you can unleash energy, which is especially important in knot spells. I use knot spells daily by braiding my hair and when I unravel it, I unleash the energy.

Knot spellwork can be used for binding things and then unleashing them! It’s nautical, as sailors have been using this kind of spellwork for hundreds of thousands of years. They also used the wind to guide them on the ocean blue!

If knot magick isn’t your thing, you can use wind and air to scatter things on the wind! You can do this using the fan in your home, the natural air on a windy day, or by stuffing your spell into a kite and flying it. Air magick can be utilized in so many ways!

Air pairs well with storms, kite flying, hot air balloons, and musical playlists! If you play an instrument, you can transform it into the spell of your choice. There are so many options when it comes to air!

Air is calm at times while other times it can be scattered, restless, and frenetic. Use air witchcraft in a way that feels as natural as breathing to you!

Air Witchcraft Playlist

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