How to Work With the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Energy

Plants By Laurali The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Energy

This is a blog post on how to work with the Wheel of Fortune tarot card energy! This card represents Goddess Fortuna and the blind chance of luck and fate.

Coming in at number ten, the Wheel of Fortune is a card of completion. It represents movement, luck, chance, fate, and that the world keeps spinning madly on.

When the Wheel of Fortune card shows up in a tarot reading, you can rest assured change is coming! If your luck has been good, it could mean a turn for the worse. If your luck has been bad, it could mean a change for the better.

The wheel represents movement, luck, chance, fate, and golden opportunities! Since Goddess Fortuna is my patron goddess, this happens to be one of my favorite tarot cards. It’s a card that brings energy and excitement to everything it touches.

How to Work With the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Energy

The winds of fate and change are coming to create movement and change! I read this card to be an extremely lucky and auspicious card.

Always look to the other cards in a reading to make connections. The wheel of fortune can either strengthen the connection in a positive reading or weaken the connection in a negative reading.

If the wheel of fortune shows up with the ace of pentacles, luck is on the way! Gifts will be bestowed upon you, whether they be spiritual or physical. Getting both in a tarot reading is fortunate.

The wheel of fortune is also a card of chance and fate. It means some fated events are ahead for you and profound life-changing events are coming.

For more on chance and fate, you might enjoy reading, Chance Meetings and Golden Opportunities With Goddess Fortuna! She can help you turn your luck around and positively seal your fate.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Love Meaning

If you receive the wheel of fortune in a love reading, this means that it’s not up to you how things will turn out. It’s up to the universe and the deities you work with. It’s up to fate.

Sometimes you’ve got to let things be, which can be the most difficult thing in the world when it comes to love situations. But, that’s how the Wheel of Fortune tarot card rolls.

It also might mean more fated events need to play out before you can be with your specific person. Whatever the case may be, the wheel creates movement in your love life, and it may just surprise you in a good way.

This is an especially auspicious tarot card if you’ve been single for a long time! It could mean you might be lucky in love again.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Business Reading

In a business reading, the wheel of fortune can ground you in good luck energy! Double points if you do deity work with the Goddess Fortuna. This card represents her in all her glory.

On the business end of things, the wheel is turning for you and fate is on your side. If you’ve just opened a new business, you are in luck!

This card means things will turn out positively for you, especially if you are in business for yourself or own a small company. It also means if things were stagnant in your business or you’ve had trouble executing your ideas, your luck is about to change for the better.

Sometimes, business owners have trouble getting their business off the ground and running. When the wheel of fortune comes along, you’ll be sure to see movement.

The Wheel of Fortune and Goddess Fortuna

The wheel of fortune is the tarot card of the Roman Goddess Fortuna! Working with this card is the key to working with her.

I recommend adding the Wheel of Fortune tarot card to your Good Luck altar or Fortuna worship altar! Not only will the goddess of fame and fortune appreciate it, but it will bring good fortune your way.

I sometimes sleep with the Wheel of Fortune tarot card under my pillow. The key is to find one with imagery that pops out to you. It needs to be something that evokes some kind of emotion.

You can use the Wheel of Fortune tarot card to shake up the snow globe that is your life! To shake things up, do a spell to create powerful, positive change in your life and add the Wheel of Fortune tarot card to it.

To enhance the spell further, ask Fortuna to give your spell a positive boost in the right direction. Ask her to shake things up with some lucky herbs, such as dill weed and rosemary herb.

You can keep the spell general or ask for something more specific, then get out of your way! Let the fates step in and decide what happens next. Let Goddess Fortuna be your good luck guide.

The Wheel of Fortune spell will bring great change into your life! Sometimes, you have to step aside and trust the universe to deliver the goods.

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Energy Healing

With the wheel of fortune, it’s better to have fate on your side! It’s a card that lets you know the universe has your back.

Even if you can’t see the whole picture, if you trust the universe, things will work out better than you could have ever dreamed of! I’ve had the wheel of fortune help me move to a new home twice in the last two years, and this was before I knew Fortuna would be my patron deity.

Goddess Fortuna and the wheel of fortune have helped me through the darkest moon phases of my life. They closed paths and they opened doors. It has been a life-changing experience for me, as I’m sure it will be for you!

Laurali Star

Hi! I’m Laurali. I’m a green witch. I make herbal spells using plant allies. I have a deep, spiritual connection to plants and mother nature that aligns with my green witchcraft practice.

My Goddess Fortuna FourLux Holiday