Plants By Laurali

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How to Be a Weather Witch

This is a blog post on how to be a weather witch who works with the four seasons and the elements to create storms and weather magic with Plants By Laurali! Weather witchcraft is used for divination and forecasting weather, as well as creating storms, snow, and crisp autumn days.

There are many ways to use weather witchcraft in your practice. It can be used for divination and weather forecasting, seasonal shifts, and weather making.

As a weather witch, you’ll learn how to control and manipulate the weather. If you are into deity work, you might ask for the assistance of the Greek God Zeus or the nature spirits to guide you in your weather practice.

Zeus is the Greek God of storms and weather, while nature spirits use the four elements (earth, air, wind, and fire) to manipulate the weather and bring change to the natural environment. You can also choose not to work with anyone at all. Working with the natural forces of nature with a powerful influence (like the Gods or the fae) can amplify your weather witch practice.

Weather magic used to be very popular in ancient times and throughout the centuries. This is because weather influenced living off the land and harvesting the crops. A drought could kill the crops and create a winter of hardships for the people at the drop of the hat.

This is why many ancient people also believed in fate, luck, and appeasing the Gods. Agricultural gods were very popular during that time. The same could also be said for Goddess Fortuna, also known as Lady Luck. She controlled the fate of the crops and agriculture.

Part of being a green witch is working with weather magic and seasonal shifts.. It’s not a requirement by any means, but it often goes along with the territory.

One of the biggest things you can do in weather witchcraft is protection spells against natural disasters. There will always be earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and wildfires that traumatically affect the natural world we live in. It’s important to put protections in place against those things.

I live in Florida and last year, Hurricane Ian was supposed to be headed straight for my area. I put up protections all around my property and the street where I live, I prayed, and I created an altar and offerings for Lord Zeus. The hurricane changed track and hit somewhere else.

Granted, I would prefer it not to hit land at all. Hurricane Ian destroyed Sanibel Island and the Fort Meyers area, unfortunately, and my heart goes out to their communities.

As a weather witch, I knew my limitations. It would have been a fruitless effort to protect the entire state of Florida. I was able to protect my local area and property and for that, I am eternally grateful!

Being a weather witch often means protecting your personal properties and local land and city from major natural disasters. It is important to keep in mind and know your power in that situation.

Weather magic is like having magic at your fingertips, as long as you stay within your personal power guidelines as a weather witch! This means knowing your limitations and how far your magic can branch out. One witch holds the key to great power, but cannot change the weather patterns of an entire state.

So, how does one become a weather witch and claim their power? Let’s dive into it, shall we? Weather magic and divination are the keys to harnessing big energy and massive power!

How to Be a Weather Witch

To be a weather witch, you have to learn how to control and manipulate the weather. Part of doing that is understanding the weather patterns in your local area.

For example, I live on the West Coast of Florida. The likelihood of getting any snow here is next to near impossible. However, when I lived in Tallahassee in the Northern part of Florida, bordering the Georgia Coast, we had seasons and it snowed there. It just didn’t stick to the ground.

Witchcraft works within the laws of nature. It doesn’t go against the grain of science so it’s important to keep that in mind. However, you can use it to enhance things or trick weather into coming earlier than it would.

One thing that is truly possible anywhere you live is the possibility of rain. Storm weather spells are likely to stick in just about any conditions, whether there is a drought or not. To utilize this ability, you’ll have to work up to it by building up your energy.

You can do this by practicing your craft often. To become an advanced-level witch, you’ll need to keep a regular practice and create daily routines and rituals that incorporate magic. This builds up energy.

Most beginner witches don’t have enough mastery over their energy yet. So, how do you build on it? Keep practicing the craft as often as possible and weave it into every aspect of your life!

Honestly, it takes time and dedication, but it will be worth it in the end. The same is true of weather witchcraft. Weather Witchery takes patience!

It also takes knowing the lay of the land you are working with. For example, if you live in a desert, it might take a little more time and effort to bring forth a rainstorm. But, it is not impossible!

The more you practice weather craft, the more energy you build up and release. The more you practice, the more confidence you build in the mastery of your skill. So, if you stumble and fall, don’t give up!

Weather witchcraft is worth it! You’ll begin to understand the weather patterns in your area month-by-month. You’ll understand how to utilize the current weather to make it rain or to trick the weather into a cold front.

How to Control and Manipulate the Weather

To control and manipulate the weather, you’ll want to establish a relationship with the weather and the land itself. The weather is the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water. You’ll want to understand the elements inside and out.

In my life as a solitary green witch, I’ve come to learn there are usually two elements we tend to gravitate to and one that shows up in our lives over and over. For me, I gravitate toward the Earth element and the fire element.

However, water shows up in my dreams and the physical world often. This is part of hedge witchery. I have dreams of water and oceans and I’ve had flooding several times in several different places I’ve lived, even when I lived in Sedona, Arizona!

This is all part of being a nature witch, whatever kind you might be. Get to know the elements inside and out and begin incorporating all four elements and seasons into your craft to enhance your spellwork.

Earth Element - The Earth element is associated with the root chakra and the pentacle in witchcraft, which represents the material world. The earthly realm is the closest to the lower realm, which is the most visited place when hedge-riding because it is the most accessible. It is also where the nature spirits reside. Earth is the slowest element.

Air Element - The Air element is associated with the throat chakra and the swords in witchcraft, which represent communication, travel, and technology. Things move fast in the air element. The air element is the closest to the divine, in my experience. This is where you’ll be able to communicate with Spirit and what would be considered the heavenly realm or the realm where the Gods reside.

Fire Element - The Fire element is associated with the solar plexus chakra (stomach) and the wands in witchcraft, which represent movement, speed, and vitality. It is life-force energy! The fire element is the closest to Middle Earth, where I have seen dragons while riding the hedge. Fire is the fastest element and comes with great speed!

Water Element - The Water element is associated with the throat chakra and the crown chakra (top of head) and is associated with the cups suit in traditional witchcraft. Water represents spirituality and the divine. It is most associated with all the realms, in my experience. Water runs through every fiber of life, even on the Other Side. Water works slowly, but is perhaps speedier than the earth element.

As a weather witch, you’ll need to develop a relationship with all four elements, as they are associated with the four seasons which is associated with the magic of weather! Weather magic requires patience, dedication, and practice.

Weather Witchcraft Studies

To study weather magic, outline the four seasons on a sheet of paper. Write down what kind of weather happens during each seasonal shift. Try to add as many details as possible.

Spring Season (Spring Equinox/Ostara) - New beginnings and fresh starts! The first inklings of spring. Grass, greens, caterpillars, and bunnies. The weather is still cold in some places and there may still be snow on the ground, depending on where you live. It’s important to take note of the natural environment where you currently live, as that will become important in your weather-making. In late spring, there might be more rain.

Summer (Summer Solstice/Litha) - Summer in some places can be a monsoon or rainy season. Again, it depends on where you live. It could be dry and arid. There could be a heatwave. I associate summer with vacations, beaches, heat, daylight, and lots of sunshine! Summer is a time of year when things become stagnant and move slowly. It can be a great time of year to do a storm spell!

Fall (Autumn Equinox/Mabon) - Autumn is when things begin to shift and enter an in-between or twilight period. When the autumnal shift occurs, the days become shorter and the veil becomes thin. This is the optimal time to perform a weather magic spell! Please don’t let it stop you from working a weather spell at other times of the year, as well. Autumn is a magical time of year when the leaves fall and the air becomes cooler. You can trick the weather into starting earlier if you live in a hotter climate like I do.

Winter (Winter Solstice/Yule) - Closure and saying goodbyes! The season of hibernation and solitude. The days become shorter and the nights longer. Cold, sometimes snowy weather is on the way! This is a season of enclosure and a good time to do spells associated with creating an early spring or snow. Winter weather is known for closing things out and ending chapters. You can use this weather to work on yourself doing shadow work and going within.

Be sure to add what the weather is like where you live, month-by-month, season-by-season! This is an important part of weather witchcraft.

Weather Divination and Prediction

To work with weather forecasting and prediction, you will need to understand the scientific concepts of weather, especially as it pertains to your local region. What kind of weather do you have in your area at certain times of the year?

For example, we have hurricane season here in Florida, and 9 times out of 10, we will have at least one hurricane come towards us, as well as tropical storms and depressions. This usually happens in late summer through the fall season here.

Dowsing is one of the most common ways of weather prediction. You can use a stick to predict the weather for many years to come by hanging it somewhere near the outdoors, like a kitchen window, porch, or sunroom. In Florida, we have Florida rooms, which are an extension of the house itself.

Be sure to use a stick where the bark has been removed, as the bark can soak up the humidity and affect the reading. You can always purchase a dowsing stick online, as well.

If the stick moves upward in a curling motion, this indicates good weather is on the way. If it curls downward, you might be in for some bad weather, and it is time to prepare for it.

I like to use my tarot and oracle cards to predict the weather and they have never failed me! My cards can give me even the tiniest details about storm weather such as, lights flickering on and off, and how hard it is going to hit.

In addition to that, at the end of summer/early fall, I listen to the dog day cicadas to predict how soon the weather will be cooling down. When their noises begin to fade, you know a cold front will be coming in soon.

Animals are a great predictor of the weather! You might like to read my animal witchcraft guide to get started. Animals act differently when a storm is coming or whenever there’s a seasonal shift.

As a weather witchcraft practitioner, it’s important to develop your system for weather forecasting. Find a divination system that works best for you!

Again, it’s truly important to have alignment with the region you live in. You can keep a weather journal with weather patterns that exist on a month-to-month basis.

Weather Magical Uses

What can I do to create the weather conditions I like? You are going to have to learn to control and manipulate the weather so my advice would be to start small and build on it.

Call on the Wind - Some believe you can call on the wind with a whistle. But, what happens if you can’t whistle? I can’t whistle so to call on the wind, I blow air into my spell. I usually do this with a witch’s bottle or a spell jar. I add the spell ingredients, call on all the elements, and just before I close the lid I blow my breath into it. This adds the air element to call on the wind! Then, I seal the bottle with a kiss or candle wax, depending on the day.

Sweater Weather Magic Spell - I created a sweater weather magic spell that is easy, even for budding witches! You can find it in my favorite fall witchy rituals. It involves a forest walk, collecting natural items, and a little weather magic!

Snow Magic - Keep a snowball in your freezer from the previous year and put intention into it for when you’d like it to snow and be as specific as possible! Do you wish for a snow day? Please keep in mind the weather in your region, while still believing anything is possible. You can also practice snow magic by recreating a snowman with items from around your house, just like you would with a craft project for the kiddos. Put your intention into it, use natural items, and add some herbs and tiny crystals to it.

Storm Conjuring - Storm casting is probably the most popular form of weather witchcraft! To conjure a storm, you might use water collected from a previous storm. For storm weather, I always call on Lord Zeus, as he is the god of storms! I collect the water and offer it to Lord Zeus in an enclosed medicine bottle or jar. After some time, I take his offering and sprinkle the rainwater around my property, street, and neighborhood. I always repeat an intention while I walk around sprinkling the water, thanking Zeus for the upcoming storm. Works like a charm!

Note: It’s important to note what kind of rainwater you use. For example, if you use hurricane rain or tornado rain, you might cause a mighty storm to roll in. Try to pick rainwater from a typical summer storm or something like that.

Storm Protection - Knowing how to stop or prevent a storm from hitting you is an equally important caveat on how to be a weather witch. Natural disasters can happen anytime, anywhere and it’s important to stay on top of them. You can bind, disperse, or prevent a storm from happening by walking the perimeter of your property, street, and neighborhood dropping tiny gemstones and herbs. I recommend black obsidian and Tiger’s eye crystals to get the job done. For herbs, use banishing and binding herbs that won’t harm the natural environment. Never use salt! You can use black pepper, cloves, rosemary, nettles, and basil to exorcise the storm. In addition to that, I always give an offering to Lord Zeus and ask for his protection! You can also use a knot spell to bind the storm, much like a knot a sailor would use. I use my hair for this by braiding it!

Storm Deities and Nature Spirits

I work with Lord Zeus for all of my weather spells, as well as the elementals. You are more than welcome to look into other deities for weather magic! I’m sure there are more, but I typically pray to Greco-Roman deities.

The Greek God Zeus is the god of storms and lightning! He is fierce and fast-moving, just like a storm. You can call, on him for any kind of weather magic, just be sure to leave him an offering and always give thanks!

The elementals are the nature spirits, as they fall under the four elements and seasons. They are a little more difficult to call on unless you already have an established relationship with them. The easiest elemental to call on is the gnome, as he is easygoing and cares about humanity.

However, they are of the earth element so they move a bit slower than other elementals. For faster movement, you might call on the salamanders, especially if your area is prone to fires and volcano eruptions.

My recommendation would be to call on each element according to their wheelhouse. Air and water for storm weather. Air and earth for sweater weather or a cold front. Water for snow weather and earth and fire for warmer weather.

You can use the elemental associated with each element or seasonal shift! For air, you might call on the sylphs, and for water, you might practice a little mermaid magic or work with the undines. Land spirits are the best predictors and helpers when it comes to weather magic!

As you can see, weather magic can be quite powerful and fun to practice! The more you practice, the more energy you build. The more energy you build, the more weather you can create. Thanks for reading, friends! xo